Staging Tips

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Home Staging Essentials

It’s always great when real estate professionals and home stagers create strong partnerships. In these situations, both parties support and rely on each other to handle the important aspects of preparing and selling homes. Ultimately both the real estate agent and the home stager are working together to achieve the best price and outcome for the client.

You’ve made your bed!

Probably one of the most common questions I am asked as an Interior Stylist is “Do you make your bed like this every day?”

And the answer in short is yes. Admittedly perhaps not the exceptionally full beds with double-duvets, three blankets, six pillows and a bunch of scatter-cushions, but every day without fail, I make my bed before leaving the house. [...]

Home staging tips from the experts

When you have been in the business of home staging for as long as we have, you get to know some tricks of the trade. Here’s our top tips when you are considering selling your home. Selling Do’s Find a reputable Real Estate agent and let them price your home based on their market knowle [...]